Thursday, May 27, 2010

We've reached our goal!

Thank you so much to all the people who have donated money and are praying for our team. We have reached our fundraising goal! We have been greatly blessed with such generous support from our family at Peninsula and are so excited to share this experience with you all!

We have been practicing giving our testimonies at youth group the last few weeks, and for many of us, it was our first time. We can truly say that God has been working in our lives and we want to show that to the people around us. Next up for our team is to come up with the skits and puppet shows to perform for the VBS and youth camp. Please continue to pray for the preparations that need to be done in the next two months.

We also have t-shirts still available, so please see one of us if you'd like one.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mission Team Tshirts

mission team mission team

We have mission team t-shirts for sale for $15! Thank you to everyone who supported us during our curry lunch fundraiser. We're so overwhelemed with your generosity and support!